
onsdag 23 november 2011

Egen spökhistoria!

The New painting...
My name is Caren, and me and my parents bought a new house this this week and we are movied in today. The house is in South Carolina on a big block, there are many big yellow houses with big gardens. And we are moved in house number 66. It’s only our house thats white. It’s maybe beacuse the other person who lived here didn’t like the color yellow. Me and my parents started to take out are bags and stuff and move it in the house. My room was up stairs, so I went up and opend the first door that i saw, It was a big room that my mom and dad renovade about a month ago. They moved my bed, computer, desk och wardrobe in side the room. I was happy beacuse it was a big room and it had a big window that I saw the park, there were many kids that were playing on it. 
On the night I red a book about a girl who bought a dog and the dog ran away, but it came back and every one were happy after that. After  I red it I went to my desk to se wich school I had to start in, beacuse i didn’t remember the name of it. The school was name Lincon. Then it knocked on the door. My mom came in to the room with a painting. 
  • Were did you bought that nice painting?
    - I bought it on the city market, a old fisher man sold it to me, he looked kind of strange, and he said that i bought on my own risk. I took the painting and putted it over my bed. The panting was in the woods, and it was snow in the woods. And behind one of the trees there was a brown bear. On the night I went in my pyamas and red a book again, I love books. I can’t stop read em. When the clock was eleven I went down in by bed and started to sleep. In my dream I was in the woods, and I wear on a path, it was snowy. And then I heard something behind some bushes. I went to em and looked in all bushes, but couldn’t find anything. But then a bear jumped out behind a tree And started to chase me. Suddenly I woke up! the clock was 9, it was saturday today. I was wet os the swet, and the dream was relly scary. On the night again i dreamed the same thing but the bear came closer and closer to me every night. 
Two days later!
I preparede to the night. When I went down in my bed I saw a strange thing going on with the painting, the bear who was behind the tree wasen’t there, it was on the path, and there was a girl to in the painting, it was me! I ran from the bear but it only came closer and closer... now I knew what the old man menth, to buy it on your own risk...
I knew the painting waned to eat me, every night when I couldn’t controll my self. I jumped out of the bed, took the painting and threw it out from the window. since that day I never say the Painting again and I never dreamed that dream again. I hope someone ealse didn’t take it home.    


1 kommentar:

  1. A very good story!
    Good word knowledge and language!

    You find more comments in Unikum.
